Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Invitation Accepted!

A group of local painters, photographers and other artists cooperatively operate and manage Sawmill River Arts, a gallery in a small, attractive and well known location beside the waterfall at the Sawmill River in Montague, Massachusetts.  I am delighted to say that I was recently invited to join the group and participate in the fine art and fine craft collaborative, an invitation I was quick to accept! 
The gallery is adjacent to several of my favorite destinations in the area, including the Montague Bookmill and the Lady Killigrew Cafe and Pub.    In addition to being rewarded with the experience of rushing, bubbling water, especially during the summer and fall months, visitors to the Mill can take a leisurely view of the gallery offerings,  search the stacks for used literary treasures and sit at outdoor cafe tables (some with umbrellas) and enjoy a glass of wine, beer, or cup of coffee and a delicious light meal.  The Mill also is home to a music store and beautiful dining facility overlooking the river.
The art and the location are well worth a visit and I'm certain the Mill, while a favorite of many, will continue to attract others just waiting to discover such a place. 
My work will be displayed there beginning next month and I am excited to bring some of my favorite pieces to show.
The illustration with this post is something I did six or seven years ago while sitting outside the door to the Lady Killigrew.


Joanne Holtje said...

Sounds like a perfect venue.
I wish you success and fun in this new venture.

Robert Mace Bent said...

Thanks Joanne...I think it will be fun!