Thursday, March 21, 2013


18" x 24"/Charcoal and pastel on paper
Lines flying all over; a certain imbalance.  But there is this quiet, calm feeling too.  Not going to fuss with it.


Joanne Holtje said...

As always I dig the energy of your lines.
The focus of her eyes is a little unnerving, which I think is good thing. Her stare keeps me looking. Isn't that what we visual artists want? For people to keep looking?

Robert Mace Bent said...

Ya, keep looking. You called it "unnerving"; I say it as "imbalance". I think we're talking about seeing the same thing. I guess I'd hope that the viewer wasn't so drawn to whatever they'd call "it" that the rest would be dismissed or ignored. I think that's where the edge is, you know done well or not?